Dimitri Roginski
27, Rue Michel d'Ornano
14640  Villers-sur-Mer
N°TVA : 1788828796
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Reiki Training and Meeting Dates.

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Relaxation massagers Villers-sur-Mer

Massagers with; Villers-sur-Mer, Dimitri Roginski  and Nicci practice wellness massages. With 12 years of international experience, our Reiki and massage specialists soothe and repair you physically and emotionally.

Why choose wellness massage?

Your body is hurting you and you want to get rid of fatigue due to fatigue. your job? Unexpected pains appear, your flexibility and your dynamism are only distant memories? Weariness and overwork exhaust you? Have you lost your vitality? You want to rediscover the pleasure of walking to discover new spaces!

We all know that the usual solutions exist here and there, but that they most often result in an average result and hopes that are rarely rewarded because they stem from sometimes questionable practices. and without proven outcomes.

Our masseurs help you to; regain your tone from yesterday through relaxation.

How does our relaxation work?

We propose to study with you the origin of your worries and to determine together the best solutions. adopt taking into careful consideration your desires and your real needs.

We work using a variety of methods that always start with delicate wellness massages combined with a massage. others, more complex and precise, which are carried out on damaged areas, scrupulously respecting the communication circuits with the regions that remain in satisfactory condition. Complementary actions called: "Energy Transfer" are most often associated with these various massage processes to reinforce and finalize the physical phenomenon obtained by the gestures of the practitioner.

Make a relaxation appointment

Contact the Reiki cabinet àagrave; Villers-sur-Mer to make an appointment with one of our masseurs. We will have the pleasure of examining together the methods to be used. implement  in order to obtain the best result in your personal case!

Discover over the pages more information on our know-how.

Relaxation through Wellness Massages and stress management through Reiki sessions.

Located; to Villers-sur-Mer, in the Calvados department, our masseurs Dimitri Roginski and Nicci offer you the opportunity to carry out your well-being massage at the practice or at our massage therapist. your home, office or hotel within a maximum radius of 40 km (travel billed from 15€ to 25€).

Find out more information about the reiki session and its procedure  ! Meetings are also organized to discuss with our reiki-master and others practitioners around this relaxation method and its benefits.

Do you want to become a practitioner? We invite you to; consult the section reiki training. Choose from Reiki Usui sessions (1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th degree “The Mastery Teacher”) or Reiki Karuna® (1st and 2nd degree, then 3rd and 4th degree; “The Mastery”) at the Côte Fleurie training center.  

Shiatsu massage and other types of well-being massages

Dmitri Roginsky  and Nicci also offer other types of wellness massages such as shiatsu massage,  Californian, Swedish, Tuina, foot reflexology and Hot Stones.

A Reiki session with our Reiki Master

Indulge in a profound healing session through Reiki, in the hands of a qualified Reiki Master. and renamed.  The result, especially if you select the session that combines Reiki with Massage, is a real experience. Many of our customers take great pleasure in; offer this option as a gift to; their relatives or good friends, the impact is so beneficial. Consult the reviews of our Reiki practitioner to read their testimonials and also discover our gift cards to offer massages.

Consult the prices for Reiki sessions and other well-being massages  offered by our masseurs and follow the news Reiki to discover our new products.

Customers' opinion

Average note : 5,0
Based upon : 81 review(s)
81 messages
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